
Recruitment and Selection Programs

Entry Level Programs

Psychometric assessments assess the candidate’s “hidden talents” objectively and this, in turn, helps the recruiter make an informed decision.

Want to know if the candidate is industry ready?

Traitfit's Employability Skills Assessment (ESA) aims to ensure graduate students' career fitness. This assessment measures the Employability Skill Index of the candidate.

Better safe than sorry, right?

At Traitfit we help you pick just the right sales executive for your company and its needs. The sales recruitment assessment helps choose the top performers and screening and evaluating them easily.

Never stress about a wrong hire!

With Traitfit’s subject proficiency tests we will provide you with candidates who know their subject in and out.

Every company thrives on enthusiastic learners! Do you agree?

If yes, then you have arrived at just the right place! Traitfit’s Learning Agility assessment recognizes high potential agile learners.

Managerial Level Programs

The assessments offered by Traitfit for the Managerial Level Programme are:

Competent Managers are the backbone of every company!

Managers have the most important role of managing human resources. Hiring the best-suited managers is a very crucial decision on which the optimum functionality of the whole organization depends. Choose the managerial candidate aligning with your company culture and goals.

What is the candidate’s personality like? Will they fit in the organization?

Traitfit Personality Inventory gives the test taker a complete understanding of their personality. This is the most sought-after personality assessment from the repertoire of Traitfit assessments for first stage screening by organizations.

Find out what leadership skills one needs, to be unique!

Traitfit's Leadership assessment gives you a precise understanding of qualities required at every stage of the professional ladder as a leader of a company. Know about your leadership skills to lead more efficiently.

Being calm and composed is what makes you a holistic leader.

An individual with high EQ can handle tasks and work pressures more effectively than others. This assessment essentially and precisely measures the factors of EI based on Daniel Goleman’s model of Emotional Intelligence.

CXO Level Programs

This program helps your organization with internal and external hiring. With the help of interviews, surveys and psychometric tools the right talent can be hired. As someone in the CXO position or as an organization who wants to hire someone for a CXO position, What are the challenges you face?
Assessments offered under the CXO Level Programme are:

Hire the best CXO TODAY! With Traitfit’s Leadership Assessment for CXOs,

  • Focus on developing management
  • Focus on culture fitness
  • Optimize leadership strengths
  • Focus on personality fitness

Know the candidate's Personality Fitness!

This is the most in-demand personality assessment from the array of Traitfit assessments for first stage screening by organizations.

Take control of your emotions and be able to conquer them.

Traitfit’s Emotional Intelligence Assessment helps you understand you Emotional Quotient (EQ). Being able to be in control of them and stabilize them is what helps one be a flourishing leader.

Be a Problem Solver and a Solution Finder!

To be an effective problem-solver, every eminent employee needs to be systematic and logical in their approach. This assessment helps you know a leader’s/manager’s problem-solving and decision-making abilities which would in turn lead to optimized growth.

The most important asset of any organization is the employees!

To have a productive workforce you must know how engaged the workforce is. This assessment measures the levels of employees' engagement, and the workforce's alignment with organizational policies, goals.

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